All posts tagged: musica pizzica

Balli di Pizzica e folclore Popolare

The pizzica is folklore, the story of those who live in the countryside, among long skirts, waving scarves and bare feet.

A universal language, which unites the souls who grew up in this land. Musicians and dancers today perform at village fairs, festivals and squares, marking the rhythm with voices and tambourines.

A beating and engaging rhythm, featuring the Lecce tambourine, sometimes accompanied by violin, guitar, accordion and mandolin.

And it is a solo voice that sings, on the notes of the typical pizzica instruments, love poems in Salento dialect.

We at Open Circus Puglia also let ourselves be carried away by the folklore of the patronal festival of our country of origin, thanks to the extraordinary performance of our artists and the dancer Laura Boccadamo.

Why don’t you also get involved in the rhythm of the Salento pizzica?

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